Birds & Bees ProjectTogether with my ScotFWAG colleagues we are working with 60 farmers across Scotland to create or restore species rich grassland. We provide the seed plus establishment & management advice. In addition farmers receive a barn owl box & other bird boxes, bird feed & feeders. The Project funded by SNH, will benefit a range of species include tree sparrow, dunnock, yellowhammer, hedgehog, bumblebee & many other insects.
Agri-Environment SchemesI have extensive experience of working with farmers to achieve successful agri-environment schemes tailored to suit their individual farm business. This encompasses a range of farm types and habitats from upland hill farming units and estates to lowground mixed farms. Ongoing advice throughout the life of the schemes is provided.
Peatland Restoration & Natural Flood Management I am working with several farmers helping restore lowland bogs by peat dam installation to raise the water table allowing sphagnum mosses recolonise, increasing capacity for carbon storage. In collaboration with the Forth Rivers Trust, I advise and manage catchment scale Natural Flood Management options such as tree planting, creation of leaky dams & embankment breaching to reinstate flood plains & riparian habitats.